Power Markets and Regional Transmission Operators ( RTO / ISO)

The evolution of the central energy markets in the United States has created significant changes in the business practices necessary to survive, compete and prosper in this new environment.

Participants are faced with many new challenges and opportunities.  Those willing to wait it out, will see opportunities disappear.  Those relying on intuition run the risk of suffering significant losses.  Taking no action or precaution to manage implications of the new environment is a risky business.  Doing business as usual is not an option!

Informed decisions and calculated risk are methods to achieve success in this changing environment.

Participants must understand and be able to make the new protocols work to their advantage.  Have the ability to analyze and understand the impact on their operations and decisions related to:

·         Access to transmission service

·         Bidding strategies

·         Impacts of congestions

·         Predictive models for price

·         Effective tools and procedures for data analysis

Mr. Johnson has direct experience in the Midwest ISO (MISO) and the attempted start up of the GridSouth RTO.  His experience in the development of shadow settlement systems has provided business understanding of the additional markets of  NYISO, ISO-NE, PJM and IESO(IMO).


With this knowledge and experience, Mr. Johnson can provide assistance in understanding the operations of Energy Markets and RTO systems.  Business consulting services on a variety of participant activities include:

·                     Asset management

·                     Bidding strategies

·                     Congestion analysis

·                     Predictive tools for load and price

·                     Business models for effective operations

·                     Training, strategy and business processes for the competitive market environment





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